Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124



What to know about a loose vagina

The pelvic floor muscles surround the vagina. These may weaken over time, which can cause a feeling of loosening in the vagina. After childbirth or as a person grows older, the muscles around the vagina may weaken. However, this is…

Dhaka-Sylhet train services resume after two days

Train operations on the Dhaka-Sylhet route resumed today after a brief halt from Thursday due to flash floods. However, train services of Dhaka with Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar remain suspended as of today due to ongoing severe flooding in several…

S. Korea freezes policy rate at 3.5 pct for 13th time

SEOUL, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) — South Korea’s central bank on Thursday froze its policy rate for the 13th successive time amid lingering uncertainty over massive household debt and higher headline inflation. Bank of Korea (BOK) Governor Rhee Chang-yong and other…
